Wednesday, March 12, 2008

...penguin got spm result... HEHE

lol...who ever out there taking spm result... wish ya good luck o,
in making decision ... not be sad over a piece of paper..
today after my extra tuition, my tuition teacher(after class is call bro in Tamil)
we went over my school... wow..... not as interesting as election day..
saw some friend(ex-form5) all nervous hehe....
but Ducky's KONONYA gf.... have to wait for the result wakkaka
cuz... she haven't return a library book . . .
(but the book is with her friend..who use to be my librian biro - -)
lol then we where chatting about her ns camp... wow..
i wish that i can go ns....but
for someone.... i better try stay out of it hehe
when she got the book and return......i go sibuk .. LA.. cuz im a librian hehe...
the when she return, and pay the fine for the book... she go take her result...
and me as usual penyebuk... wakakka...
guess what...she got 6A .... hehe....that is good adi
hehe then i saw tuna and her family... except the smallest one..
and and i saw pineapple also wakkaka.....
then we chat chat chat....
then when time call ,
i went back... go but one rim of paper...
and on the way back...
i saw a wagon with buffaloes waving hands at me... (try guess who hehe)
then wait for my penguin to come la...
he ar.....spm result also dun want tell me early.. haizz....
when he come then we go eat kfc... under his wallet..
(cuz he that time hurt me ...he got hurt when he want cheer me up i play play ..act act then ask he belanje wkakaka)
then when he show the result... wa.....
it a positive result...but he not happy with his economic - -..
he got X A1, X B3, X B4 and X C5 . . .hehe
then we went over to his house lor (dun fikir lain)
and sleep... hehe....
till 4.30 i have to go back and go tuition again - -"
hmmmm..........then after that there is noting else happen liow ...
went back eat ...and now want to go dota adi with my bro... tata

1 comment:

K-Typist said...

eeeeeeee. what buffalo?
sepak tunggul kaki, berdarah ibu kaki then u know.