Saturday, March 15, 2008

3 places in one day

wow... just after my physics tuition. . .
my mum call me back to go the garden midvelly.. lol
before that... i dint go for account class... to lazy..dun know why hehe :P
then i sleep till 1PM... after a call from penguin...
then go tuition late...about 13 min around there..

lol after tuition.... we went the garden midvelly.....and when we reach,
i go my way and my parent go their way ..
and baby(my youngest bro) follow them... hehe
then i went straight to action city store
see got anything for someone who born in 29th march ..
better buy gift early...before i go bankrupt..(already bankrupt)
then i go next door..guess what store..
LEGO... wow...
i enter in see see small kid play lego and trow around - -"
i help to pick up..... and no they no thank me also ...
but their granny say thank.... hehe
( people must be kind ya )
then i saw... my stuff... hehe BIONICLE...
(k k la i know i not suitable for bionicle la)
then when i half way watching... my dad call me say got to go..
OMG just not more then 40 minutes... got to go liow..
then go bangsar to find my dad friend cause my dad got something to do..
then he drop me at JAYA 33... somewhere i guess...
they hang the flag very nice... in the main hall....
wow.. lucky they dint hang anyone picture..
exspecially P.M. face there.... PHEW!

then when he finish what ever thing he do.. he come pick us up back
anf guess what...go to in sushi king!
but i filled my stomach with chips and snacks hehe
and it is raining - -"
when we reach i went into the toilet to pee..
after i come out.. my parent no where to be seen - -"
and my phone no maxis signal OMG...
i went finding a place for signal...
guess where....
in a wine shop in Jusco Sunway..
well i may seem underage there... hehe
when i call them... they are in sushi king!!
omg... they left without me ..
i quicky go there..and lucky they dint order yet..
or i will merajuk..
but then.... i dint eat that much today..
the recipt show RM 81 something...
usally will go up to RM 200 if im there...
cuz i will take non stop and eat with my parent. hehe
then my uncle came..... over sunway and found us there...
my uncle went on chatting with my dad.. and i follow my mum shopping hehe..
but.. i be her part time fashion designer... help her slot out what clothing suit her best..
i wonder why lady need to go shop in a shop ALMOST AN HOUR... - -"
and i was damn bored cuz she ask me to stay with her or i will go minitoons see if there are more cute stuff to buy hehe!
then it is late liow...
we go back down find my dad...
they were happily eating again - -" with my uncle and aunty...
omg... im when imagine them order so many thing... and guess what
when my dad walk off just for awile.. my uncle go pay for everything without knowing that my dad will treat them - -" DOINK!
after that we went home....and now i want start doing my work tata..

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