Wednesday, March 26, 2008

TAR college? NEVER!

I SKIP CLASS TODAY AGAIN !!! and this time i went TAR college.... dun know what visit... that tuna put my name in... the trip was boring but the girls there ...are hots accept the fats one... and some other girl then during the tour i found 2 dead flies in the kicthen (where they learn dun know what cooking course)... the library was cooling ... and our group made a lot of noise that attracted the student there.... but THE HELL.... they just bring us walk up and walk down like 2 minutes around that ... and i just walk off the group to see what deep in the library.. and i do regroup with my friends down the lobby - -" ( i dun know them a lot... only like 5 to 6 friends only i know)
then we visited the computer lab... where student can access internet tru there....and blah blah blah........... i wonder why this trip is SO boring.... and the only thing i like is the colour there.... but i ain't not going there to study... i hope.........and this trip make me having a bad headache.... haizzz... then at the end... i just scribble the survey form they give and hand over to them back... and go back school......but one thing good about this trip is that we can get to go back early!

then after that i went back and straight became blur when my mum said my dental appointment is at 27/03 which is tomorrow... i so like...AR? NOT ON WEDNESDAY MEH? i do remember telling them that i will only be free on wednesday but why on thursday? then i make a call to confirm that my appointment is today...see see the appointment is at tomorrow.... then i ask if there is slot today... so i can come for today and doesnt interrupt my tuition time... ...but they say full... then they say ...can but have to wait cause today the dentist appointment was quite full then i go bath and while i bathing halfway...that penguin with his car waiting just right outside of my gate = = under the shade..... dun know why penguin cannot wait for me further down... then when i just leave my house... my mum came back and see me entering whose car... - -"... so when we were half way to the mum call me ask me who is that... so i answer ...

'there that day got come with that kembara le'
.... then she say

'wa...i though which *** **** fetching you'

... no offence penguin ... still love you a lot ... hehe.... then when i reach there... we reach to early... at 2 we went looking for parking and park just behind the dentist there.... lol i want try play play penguin but i dint know that penguin already know the place... so i fail to play penguinhaizz... then go in and see.. got 1 patient only ... i was like looking one side as i remember what they say... that today they are fully book...but see see so guess what colour i change to day?... PURPLE! and VIOLET!.... (but look similar) ..hehe

then after that we went for lunch.. at wangsa maju....... quite close rite from pudu to wangsa maju?...cuz i dun know what to eat in pudu but if at 6 pm maybe i know a place hehe... after that we go to penguin house... (actually i want watch movie 'cetak rompak' at his house cuz my house my mum will kill me... but see see... sleep only ....haizz) until 6.30 pm.. i have to go liow so penguin fetch me back...and when i reach i saw mrs . tan (my neighbour) and chat for 15 minute around there... then i go in my house lol..... my father phone me like 7 times and i dint pick it up because i was too buzy chatting with my neighbour and i have to call him back - -" so place order for my food... ( i should eat first before i come back) and start writing stuff in here hehe... now i have to do my school homework...(maybe you cant belive) bai bai!

1 comment:

K-Typist said...

haha. u changed to the colour i asked u! lol.