Friday, March 21, 2008

boring day... ZZZ

today i decided to make it a holiday for me.. hehe so i woke up at 10 around there and as soon i wash up i go watch drama series wkakaka and before that i went online find someone.....cuz that someone just ran out of prepaid
then watch until around 3 something... penguin call me out makan hehe.... but to bad after makan have to go .... haizz which time could stop wakakaka ...
after i come back i continue watching my drama untill forget that outside is raining... heavily..
and i ran down to collect all the wet shirt back in ...and get wet........but someone dun know....haizz.... cuz that someone is snoring that time wkakaka....
then watch finish hunt another movie and watch.... and time to eat......outside...... cuz my dad somewhere in Beijing... and i confirm he wont buy anything special for me -- haiz i want that fuwa set... so cute... i wish i can get alot of them. .... ... hehe
who can get me one? .... then come back and enjoy the lighting strike everywhere in a dark dark room ..and trust me it is wonderful!

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