Sunday, March 30, 2008


yer.... my nando's extra hot peri peri sauce finish already wuu wuu wuu....
next time got to buy i wonder what sauce to dip with when i eat fish hehe..
lol...beside today i feel strange when i watch a old movie shown on tv2.... Evolution... quite funny and nice.....but.....haizz remember back the old time....with my relative......
my relative now is way different then my last time.. .
now... they dun care who are you now...... and keep trying to gain something from someone even thier own blood-relative - -"" bad kan?...

lol today also a boring day for me... sit in front of the computer with the speaker switch to the max...and boom the house ......with various types of song.. mostly techno.......
just feel like haizz what the hell... .
omg... i changing - -"..

hmm did anyone turn off their house light from 8 to 9 pm yesterday? ..
earth hour.... give support to the environment...or mother earth will destroy us. - -"

Groove Coverage... still like your musics..

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I like colours....

pink maybe?

lol i like any colours...even dull colours... i dun know why .....every time i see a person.. i wont see the face ....i see the colour obtain from the person body(..not some part... that person will think im perverted - -").... i stare at people shirt for long time... and that person stare at me one kind....exspecially GUYs they thinks im GAY wakakak.... funny sometime..... my favorite place is The Curve as there contains various type of colours... from walls to stuff... even cuties there are colourful....even i get one stack of multi colours paper for my birthday... i will be happy already.,,

so are u going give me one stack?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Boring day....ZZZZZZ

lol what to type ..what to type? i so lazy type....
hmmm tomorrow want to go where better hmmm?
hope tomorrow will be a better day = ="

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

TAR college? NEVER!

I SKIP CLASS TODAY AGAIN !!! and this time i went TAR college.... dun know what visit... that tuna put my name in... the trip was boring but the girls there ...are hots accept the fats one... and some other girl then during the tour i found 2 dead flies in the kicthen (where they learn dun know what cooking course)... the library was cooling ... and our group made a lot of noise that attracted the student there.... but THE HELL.... they just bring us walk up and walk down like 2 minutes around that ... and i just walk off the group to see what deep in the library.. and i do regroup with my friends down the lobby - -" ( i dun know them a lot... only like 5 to 6 friends only i know)
then we visited the computer lab... where student can access internet tru there....and blah blah blah........... i wonder why this trip is SO boring.... and the only thing i like is the colour there.... but i ain't not going there to study... i hope.........and this trip make me having a bad headache.... haizzz... then at the end... i just scribble the survey form they give and hand over to them back... and go back school......but one thing good about this trip is that we can get to go back early!

then after that i went back and straight became blur when my mum said my dental appointment is at 27/03 which is tomorrow... i so like...AR? NOT ON WEDNESDAY MEH? i do remember telling them that i will only be free on wednesday but why on thursday? then i make a call to confirm that my appointment is today...see see the appointment is at tomorrow.... then i ask if there is slot today... so i can come for today and doesnt interrupt my tuition time... ...but they say full... then they say ...can but have to wait cause today the dentist appointment was quite full then i go bath and while i bathing halfway...that penguin with his car waiting just right outside of my gate = = under the shade..... dun know why penguin cannot wait for me further down... then when i just leave my house... my mum came back and see me entering whose car... - -"... so when we were half way to the mum call me ask me who is that... so i answer ...

'there that day got come with that kembara le'
.... then she say

'wa...i though which *** **** fetching you'

... no offence penguin ... still love you a lot ... hehe.... then when i reach there... we reach to early... at 2 we went looking for parking and park just behind the dentist there.... lol i want try play play penguin but i dint know that penguin already know the place... so i fail to play penguinhaizz... then go in and see.. got 1 patient only ... i was like looking one side as i remember what they say... that today they are fully book...but see see so guess what colour i change to day?... PURPLE! and VIOLET!.... (but look similar) ..hehe

then after that we went for lunch.. at wangsa maju....... quite close rite from pudu to wangsa maju?...cuz i dun know what to eat in pudu but if at 6 pm maybe i know a place hehe... after that we go to penguin house... (actually i want watch movie 'cetak rompak' at his house cuz my house my mum will kill me... but see see... sleep only ....haizz) until 6.30 pm.. i have to go liow so penguin fetch me back...and when i reach i saw mrs . tan (my neighbour) and chat for 15 minute around there... then i go in my house lol..... my father phone me like 7 times and i dint pick it up because i was too buzy chatting with my neighbour and i have to call him back - -" so place order for my food... ( i should eat first before i come back) and start writing stuff in here hehe... now i have to do my school homework...(maybe you cant belive) bai bai!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

where all the teacher went?

i wonder.... my only my class teacher aka bio teacher... appear today for BIOLOGY and English teacher gave out the test papers back... OMG i got B3 ... im dead im dead because of the literature part!! i lost marks there ...haizzz....... during P.J ... my class teacher gila already want to know out height and weight dun know for what so we went to the lab ... and take our height and weight... and im the 2nd lightest boy in the class.... not fair i want to be the lightest ....hehe... then we lurk around one of the account class as their class teacher busy with something maybe... and talk nonsense... then english time... have to go back class... and haizzz i need to polish up my form 4 literature.... haiz........then physics time .. i went lab and do my peka experiment... i have the turban helping me... but it seems i do it myself and... IM SCARED OF ELECTRICITY!! ... lucky i dint get shock or i just trow everything outside


Monday, March 24, 2008

...what rubbish = ="

"Abang ... you dating dengan kristina prs tu ke?"...
OMG i was like AR? when i hear and tuna? lol even she got shock....
i wonder what is wrong in their mind... cant a guy and a girl be best friendS? .. yeah i know ... there is sure someone go spread the rumours out saying we are together -- "
and the whole form 1 and 2 librian ask me that today...and asking me why i skip class...
hehe i was lurking around the ubk room and in the library....and i only study CHEMISTRY today.. cool?.. and vishy eventually forgot to bring down my 30cm long ruler together.... so i went up and take..........and went to the lab.... and i was tired... going up and down...up and down.. and today someone organize a librian meeting... and i skip my math class for that boring meeting... and i wonder what i got for my add math....scary..and i will die if i fail ...then our b.m teacher dint come in for class today so we call it a day early then other science stream student.. hehe.. and vishy toke my bag down and lock the class and forgot that my paper is under my table- -' then i went up and go take my papers...but the class lock already - - but then lucky the afternoon student teach me something.... they unscrew the lock and enter in - -" no wonder our class chairs went missing.... then later go tag in a wagon (i to lazy to walk) until the round about only hehe... reach home then eat and as usual go online and chat with humans and finishing up my homework until i have headache - -'......i skip english class just because my headache got worst at the last minute.... so i sleep untill 6.45 then wake up prepare go chemistry class...but see see cancel...and i wasnt been inform that the class cancel because the tall chemist teacher got high fever....and i sat down in an empty classroom and do my physics revision...and of course borrow a physics book from the teacher...i did my revision until penguin came and i just pack up return the book tell the teacher dad 'you look hot today....(cuz he comb his hair)' and he comment me back...and straight i went down and see a car with a penguin and henry coming in....i wonder why they come in the pack road... it was like so stupid cuz they simply park their car everywhere they after the cursing we went to eat porridge and they really freak me out with frog.... i dun like frog i dun know why...but sometime i think they are so i just remember... why today lots of people fall sick.... flu fever blah blah blah maybe more... bad month? lol.... then penguin want to drop me home first but in the end we drop henry at wangsa maju and then my turn... hehe then come back and another round of dinner... fish again wakakak.....tomorrow sure i will be stuck in toilet for a long time... and penguin thank you for the gifts...hehe love them and you so much....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy birthday to penguin....

today there a penguin in malaysia officially became 18 years old liow....
but then i dun know how to celebrate also cuz.... i never plan to celebrate anyone birthday even mine this year ... dun know why = =".. but haizz sorry penguin let you down..
but still i got give something to penguin hehe !

Never Let You Go - Janice

Never Let You Go by Janice
The rain just never seems to bring the joy
I feel the same everlasting pain of my loss remains
My heart can't seem to learn to part the hold
you left your mark
all that I dreamed of now it seems so stark
Tho I told myself won't hold my breath
a part of me was dying
there is nothing left for me to do now but give in
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would sing to you and tell you I won't live my life without you
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes
and you know I'd never let you go
The way you left me on the train
I don't know what to say
I remember everything that day
I can't believe we'd never dance
just need one more chance to share the sunset
our one last romance
Tho I told myself won't hold my breath
a part of me was dying
there is nothing left for me to do now but give in
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would sing to you and tell you I won't live my life without you
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes
and you know I'd never let you go.

It is over now?

i just deleted my old blog which seems inactive.. it was until the month of January but i dint post it out without reason...i slowly read one by one from yesterday and today i finish it at last...wondering that will this part of history happen again? .. i like was emo that time.....writing my feeling out ..cursing... and more ..but i wish it wont happen again...not to anyone....i just hope thing changes and will change me into a better person one day..

Saturday, March 22, 2008

4th aunt of my mum side

today after was raining and i walk back without an umbrella...and someone is happily sleeping that time too...haiz....whisky more important...haizzz...then wait at home for my uncle to come so we can tag in to klang in a car.....(so no one will get lost).. but then not more then 20 minutes ride.....i fell asleep liow.... but when i woke up...i was in klang and still in the moving cramped car wakakaka.....i miss klang... exspecially the building and the colours there... so unique for me hehe....i remember that i used to come klang to visit either my 1st aunt, my 2nd aunt or 3rd aunt....of my mum side...but now i just realise that my mum have another sister which have been adopted long time......or 4th aunt for us.... wow... her the same as other... no need to wonder way too far hehe.... klang houses have big space and they are single-stories houses... there are some renovated their house into double or triple stories houses and it look very grand.... cuz of the gardens.. i wonder how klang people can have a garden that beautiful hehe... when we reach my aunt house..... she wasn't in but her husband was in together with his children expect the third son... i dun know where he went .... hehe then got to intro abit and have food to eat hehe... (spicy food - -") .. i wanted to sms penguin that time ..but that PENGUIN still sleeping and ran out of credit again.... (penguin calls to many people for penguin birthday party till now they are still drinking non-stop) then when my 4th aunt came... we went for a dinner somewhere in klang and get to know more among each other to know more about my 'just-founded-cousins' lol.........then after that we also went up to my 4th aunt pen-house.....and we take lots of picture there..(not me) and talk talk... even drink coffee there till now i am widely awake hehe.... after the coffee we still joke around taking picture until 11 ..and that the time for us to go back home....and my 1st aunt and uncle of my mum side stay overnight in my house and my penguin is still drinking happily now.... haizz...hope that penguin doesn't forget me.......ok now im over energetic .. what shall i do?

Friday, March 21, 2008

boring day... ZZZ

today i decided to make it a holiday for me.. hehe so i woke up at 10 around there and as soon i wash up i go watch drama series wkakaka and before that i went online find someone.....cuz that someone just ran out of prepaid
then watch until around 3 something... penguin call me out makan hehe.... but to bad after makan have to go .... haizz which time could stop wakakaka ...
after i come back i continue watching my drama untill forget that outside is raining... heavily..
and i ran down to collect all the wet shirt back in ...and get wet........but someone dun know....haizz.... cuz that someone is snoring that time wkakaka....
then watch finish hunt another movie and watch.... and time to eat......outside...... cuz my dad somewhere in Beijing... and i confirm he wont buy anything special for me -- haiz i want that fuwa set... so cute... i wish i can get alot of them. .... ... hehe
who can get me one? .... then come back and enjoy the lighting strike everywhere in a dark dark room ..and trust me it is wonderful!


this is not the first time i having nightmare or bad dreams.... it always happen to me almost most of the time...haizz but this one is about someone who i love lie to me and go somewhere that i dun let and dint tell me... it was to complicated to tell the sistuation like how but then i felt it like real this time.. i was too sad when i found out the truth and now i feel like i dun trust anyone else anymore.. i dun know why...haizz felt so useless too... then i meet and accident and the pain was so real .. it not a car but dun know what thing it that which hit me... look like a lorry haizz then after that i woke up ..but seems the dream like too real i think it might happen to me one day....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

what holiday is today?

hmm today is what day?
what so special until our school goes on holiday :P beside today tuna came my house.... do to est stuff and my moral stuff.. but see see... we lepak more then we touch est and moral.... wakaka...then we talk rubbish....see some funny stuff.... in youtube...
and then eat.....(my mum sibuk masak je) and also did play around... as usual and we even make rats... hehe (tuna i take 11 subjects = =" not 10)
after that we went take picture for my folio and then talking about ducks in my house and also
the whisky in my house...alot man and there is a bottle cost thousand ringgit (i saw it in the market at that price) and we do play around with it..... lucky it dint drop and break or i will be break by my dad..
wakaka then we talk talk talk till we get bored and i just play a chinese movie with english subtitle...(for tuna to understand) then half way penguin call me and wanted to come to my house... (worry me kena makan)
then when penguin came.... we watch the same movie untill 3.30... tuna need pick his one more (dun know when came in another brother) small brother from school... so we bersurai (leave la) and i go out eat eat with penguin wakakka...
even though today holiday...but... haizz... have to go tuition...mathematic some more...
but then during the break time (of course need break la ...from 6.30 to 9.30pm)
we have chocolate fiesta.. among us only.. wakaka ... we went to the BP petrol station and buy.....and even joke around with the slogan 'PLAY SAFE' and pointing at boxes of condoms..wakaka holiday kan? lol..... now i want to go eat..... already bug my mum to cook for me as she promise me until late night - -"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

last day march test - - "

lol today at lease happy abit hehe. . ..
cuz march test over liow.. and what i know... chemistry i will score badly..
lol..beside that ... tuna and her emo poem ... dun't know why still in my mind - -"
during sejarah i destroy vishy watch..... dun know what brand it that wakaka
and math i give the front copy...(and i confirm i loose 4 mark for the last question)
so now just wondering whether i will fail biology or not because of that stupid fish
everybody who suffer biology on that day sure will be cursing the fish..
lol...i just realise something around me..
i wonder there is a post that i post yesterday....but i dun remember writing it ...strange... so i deleted it ..
beside that my brother seem dint come back ever since he have financial problem...
i wonder is he still alive or not ...
then i felt something strange... i feel cold easily than last time and i lazy to mix around..
dun know why ..zzzzzz
maybe reaching puberty SOON wakakaka
i wonder... when can i be mature...
cuz i'm still acting like a child...ops..
i'm still a child wakkaka..
i just wonder...hmmmm zZzZzZ

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

test again ... ...and this time i was sleepy - -"

wa. today B.I , est , phy and add math - -"
BI and phy was ok
est was confusing and
addmath,,, no need to say also we know the reasult...
out of 10 question . . only cant do 1 - - haizz

hmm look like tuna becoming emo adi...
wakakaka write more emotional poem more...
i like to read too and sometimes write them out wakaka!

Kris says:
if love is blind,why can i see you?
if love is a game,why can’t i play you?
they say love is hard to find,but somehow i found you..
but have you found me?
the words to your heart’s melody?
notice me, acknowledge me.
i am here, can you see?
sitting here, waiting,sobbing, throbbing,
come, here.nearer..and, take me away.... far away.
i’ll wait.

Monday, March 17, 2008

lol today got test....for 3 subject... wow...
B.Melayu... was okok...
P.Moral was ok..
Biology was ko....
no one expect a locomotion of a FISH to come out by the way...wakakaka!...

After my tuition....penguin want bring me go eat eat ...
but.... dun know where to eat eat....
and then i kinda having a mood sway cuz of something...
i can't think where and what to eat eat so ask ....penguin to decide to eat eat...
so we went wangsa maju eat eat ...only i eat only. . =D
then i eat chicken rice cuz there is nothing else nice to eat... hehe
after that i bug he bring me for joy ride... but he too tired....haizz.....
so he send me back lor...
pity me hor...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

..tomorrow school what?

lol tomorrow will be a BORING school day ...and maybe a quite school day too
because the whole class will have test papers tomorrow...
have you done any revision?
for me
cuz im lazy...
and it doesn't make me worry either.....
i should kill this attitude of mine for not worring any papers..
from young.. i dun care about test nor examination...
someone teach me how to care and worry so i can prepare for my spm A.S.A.P!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

3 places in one day

wow... just after my physics tuition. . .
my mum call me back to go the garden midvelly.. lol
before that... i dint go for account class... to lazy..dun know why hehe :P
then i sleep till 1PM... after a call from penguin...
then go tuition late...about 13 min around there..

lol after tuition.... we went the garden midvelly.....and when we reach,
i go my way and my parent go their way ..
and baby(my youngest bro) follow them... hehe
then i went straight to action city store
see got anything for someone who born in 29th march ..
better buy gift early...before i go bankrupt..(already bankrupt)
then i go next door..guess what store..
LEGO... wow...
i enter in see see small kid play lego and trow around - -"
i help to pick up..... and no they no thank me also ...
but their granny say thank.... hehe
( people must be kind ya )
then i saw... my stuff... hehe BIONICLE...
(k k la i know i not suitable for bionicle la)
then when i half way watching... my dad call me say got to go..
OMG just not more then 40 minutes... got to go liow..
then go bangsar to find my dad friend cause my dad got something to do..
then he drop me at JAYA 33... somewhere i guess...
they hang the flag very nice... in the main hall....
wow.. lucky they dint hang anyone picture..
exspecially P.M. face there.... PHEW!

then when he finish what ever thing he do.. he come pick us up back
anf guess what...go to in sushi king!
but i filled my stomach with chips and snacks hehe
and it is raining - -"
when we reach i went into the toilet to pee..
after i come out.. my parent no where to be seen - -"
and my phone no maxis signal OMG...
i went finding a place for signal...
guess where....
in a wine shop in Jusco Sunway..
well i may seem underage there... hehe
when i call them... they are in sushi king!!
omg... they left without me ..
i quicky go there..and lucky they dint order yet..
or i will merajuk..
but then.... i dint eat that much today..
the recipt show RM 81 something...
usally will go up to RM 200 if im there...
cuz i will take non stop and eat with my parent. hehe
then my uncle came..... over sunway and found us there...
my uncle went on chatting with my dad.. and i follow my mum shopping hehe..
but.. i be her part time fashion designer... help her slot out what clothing suit her best..
i wonder why lady need to go shop in a shop ALMOST AN HOUR... - -"
and i was damn bored cuz she ask me to stay with her or i will go minitoons see if there are more cute stuff to buy hehe!
then it is late liow...
we go back down find my dad...
they were happily eating again - -" with my uncle and aunty...
omg... im when imagine them order so many thing... and guess what
when my dad walk off just for awile.. my uncle go pay for everything without knowing that my dad will treat them - -" DOINK!
after that we went home....and now i want start doing my work tata..

Friday, March 14, 2008


i wonder where the ants came in from...omg..
quite alot of ants wondering near my computer...
as though there is sugar in my cpu..
haizz this ants.... eventually died cuz i am an evil kid
spray pesticide and clean all the dead tiny body - -"

and dun fall into any shark jaws....
or maybe you are safe ana.
sharks dun eat pineapple ...they eat meat! hehe
so good of you going Sydney !!

hehe beside..
today i went out with my penguin go eat in pizza hut..
but we dint order any pizza... penguin dun like eat pizza..
so we order spaghetti instead...
strange kan?
but it was freaking cold in the hut...
i thought hut dont have air cond...
but this hut have a lot of air condS...
and it was raining = ="...
lucky penguin is not wet nor do i
but it was fun in the end.

im scared

i dun know why most of the night i will be scare....but i wonder what to be scare of?
haizz... now im scare...and i can't sleep......each time i close my eye... i felt like there is something coming to me fast...
am i over reacting? or i think to much?
haiz.... i just dun know what to do now....
penguin....accompany me ....but penguin asleep liow = =''

Thursday, March 13, 2008


OMG THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER I HAVE RASH.... so damn itchy.....dun know why..
my whole arm... OMG OMG....and my legs... but not my body hehe...
and i still dint know the cause of it.. haizz... hope it will goes off soon - -".. itchy.... ,,
hehe !
lucky today got penguin teman or i baham u already.. hehe.....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

...penguin got spm result... HEHE

lol...who ever out there taking spm result... wish ya good luck o,
in making decision ... not be sad over a piece of paper..
today after my extra tuition, my tuition teacher(after class is call bro in Tamil)
we went over my school... wow..... not as interesting as election day..
saw some friend(ex-form5) all nervous hehe....
but Ducky's KONONYA gf.... have to wait for the result wakkaka
cuz... she haven't return a library book . . .
(but the book is with her friend..who use to be my librian biro - -)
lol then we where chatting about her ns camp... wow..
i wish that i can go ns....but
for someone.... i better try stay out of it hehe
when she got the book and return......i go sibuk .. LA.. cuz im a librian hehe...
the when she return, and pay the fine for the book... she go take her result...
and me as usual penyebuk... wakakka...
guess what...she got 6A .... hehe....that is good adi
hehe then i saw tuna and her family... except the smallest one..
and and i saw pineapple also wakkaka.....
then we chat chat chat....
then when time call ,
i went back... go but one rim of paper...
and on the way back...
i saw a wagon with buffaloes waving hands at me... (try guess who hehe)
then wait for my penguin to come la...
he ar.....spm result also dun want tell me early.. haizz....
when he come then we go eat kfc... under his wallet..
(cuz he that time hurt me ...he got hurt when he want cheer me up i play play ..act act then ask he belanje wkakaka)
then when he show the result... wa.....
it a positive result...but he not happy with his economic - -..
he got X A1, X B3, X B4 and X C5 . . .hehe
then we went over to his house lor (dun fikir lain)
and sleep... hehe....
till 4.30 i have to go back and go tuition again - -"
hmmmm..........then after that there is noting else happen liow ...
went back eat ...and now want to go dota adi with my bro... tata

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Calabria Remix 2008


The Rose - Bette Midler

dun know why when i always hear this song,
i will think back about my past,
what i done...bad or good,

and everytime i sad....sure i will hear this song,
don't want anyone to know im sad,


Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seed

It's the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love, in the spring
Becomes the rose

Monday, March 10, 2008

lol.........daddy where u get it from? suppose to be a school holiday, but then ar... haizz
haizz from morning 10.30 till 12 pm....
then will be 5.30 pm to 9 pm...
omg.. sound so stress...but i do enjoy going tuition hehe!
hmmm i wonder will i ever memorize my periodic table from element 1 to 20?

hmm i get something from my dad....
dun know where he get it from..

forget where he get it from!
as long i like them wakaka...sure be fine for me..
lots of 100 plus drink....(good for low blood pressure kid)
and hehe something.....that i should take it.

(i just take only this part...the rest all lazy cuz i only have this with me)

but what the heck!
all kid sure have one...(not for me)
beside my dad brought back one carton of dewar's 18, 10 dewar's 12 bucket.
lots of cokes......100plus.....soda.....and whiskeys
wakaka..... if i can sell them off sure i will gain profit...
but i'm underage hehe...
beside..... maybe i will give one out for my *******'s Bday...wakaka
see la how la! :P

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Low Blood Pressure = ="

lol...spm student ar ....should be high blood pressure....
but then spm year student....facing LOW BLOOD PRESSURE!!!
lol.... even check 3 times... and the result is the same = =""
no wonder la i been having headache all the time = ="

when i went to dr. lim ...... ..he say ok - -"
but when go pharmacy ... she say low blood pressure...
then i went to the clinic next door.... also same... and even better..
doctor gave me medicine = = " ... OMG>..< .... i'm soon going be a drug addict..
haizz..... i to get my blood pressure in to a normal level back - -..

(i'm soon going to be a drug addict)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vote! Vote! BN!! DAP!! PAS!! PKR!!

as usual voting year...sure all party giving empty promises again - -"
lol.... but sure i will support Barisan National lor - -"(if i can vote hehe)

early in the morning my mum ask me follow her go out vote dun know for what..
reach adi i have to say outside...cuz only voters are allow to enter in ...
then ar i sit outside looking at 2 huts... one is BN ... one more PAS.. i wonder where DAP went..and i dint see any PKR here
dun know for what ......... hmm
then wait for mum la.....
but then... feel so boring when im there....dun know why = =..
then i buzy looking around like an idoit and wondering ....
will they ever remove all this banners and flags away after election?

(Polisi!!! )

(artwork from BN, PAS and PKR)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ops....sry tuna...

Sorry tuna.... ur moral fail and the karangan book . . . .is still with me.... hehe promise you that i will return to you as soon as school reopen... k?


i wonder when i going finish my moral folio =)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

...what a siennz day - -

lol...asual..... din't go school for today.... ... cuz.... headache love me so much..... cant leave me this morning -- DOINK!..
woke up at 8.
missing my penguin..
bug by mum...
do some chinese prayer....
hunting food.....

then mum bring me go see the doctor....DR.LIM.... i guess so.....
old......and funny...wakaka...
my mum can't stop telling and complaining about my lifestyle to that doctor
as though she got to let the whole world that she is rite = ="
HAIZZ>.,< (dun know why the doc gave me 2 type)....and relex pill = ="
then come back..... eat pill...and sleep..awile

woke up....1st penguin =p....
then go watch bleach........
and a door gift.....
one big box of mineral water....
then go and eat with mum .. boring = ="
come back watch bleach back..
then skip tution...mum ask me to skip cuz i pening pening hehe...
but then...i went out fetch my bro with my mum then..
go eat...
not full - -"..
then come back and have massage...
then blog for fun wakakakaka...
but then.... my headache ar...maybe will still love me for ever = ="

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Whos turning old.....

hmm.....if someone turn old on his or her birthday... wish he or her happy birthday or happy getting old? friend turn old...and penguin ask me join he go for a steamboat meal in sunway.....forgot the restaurant name pulak = ="
so as usual..... lie to my mum and go out at 6 promise that will be back before 10pm...
hehe then go see my penguin ...ride his car....... blah blah blah...cuts the crap =

best part is that we got lost on our way to sunway... and ended up making one big round at 1U ..
funny....(this happen when a small kid lead the big guys the way) then my penguin make a call to his 2nd bro ask the way........whatever he and his bro talking...i can hear from my loud= ="


when we slot out and reach sunway adi....we wait and wait for penguin friend to come and when he come...straight we drive to the what what steamboat....... lucky we have place at there to sit hehe...... but one thing... i keep my mouth im the youngest there....the rest is like about 20++ except my penguin and me too hehe... so we go eat eat .. less talk this time....less play with food also....and headache.....but i do enjoy cuz of my penguin beside me.... hehe

but then ...ops... its 9.20pm...i should be back at i have to leave.....bye bye all (not end yet)
and penguin drove me back..... i do wonder...why i have headache....when i go back....pening...argh..... then my mum call when i half way reach....she scream at me cuz the time was 10pm sharp......then penguin say sorry = =".... cuz making me been scold....but NEVERMIND.... as long i with my penguin...lightning struck me also i will be with my only penguin ....
then i reach at 10.14pm.... see see got flowers...dun know who give .....go see mum.... mum blah blah blah...and i blah blah her back hehe...(as usual) ..then i sit down change my cloth .and now time to sleep hehe nite!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


ARGH.... it's been a while bitch.....
lol... not awhile of bitch..but headacheS = ="
like almost months i suffering the same problem..
but then today i think it better after i got a power pack MASSAGE!

and also do remind me about my old phone.... hehe.... only tuna know what i mean :P

well..... i know people will complain of PAIN when someone massage for you hardly...

but for me PAIN is my FRIEND but then....the pressure was awesome... till it make my back

like having a ancient tribal mark!

(just see the mark.. not my body)

tomorrow... i will sure been point out by my friend as a love bite. . cuz it is up till my neck!!