Saturday, February 27, 2010

Until Now

Till now, you may not like it as I just wan to be your friend, better than nothing rite? I do not want us to be close like the days before, you keep finding me and do "activities", who knows maybe you are up for it that seeking me to accompany you. I remember that you said I will be a talk to you among your friends, or izzit there is other reason that you do not want to follow you to clubbing? You want do what activities you do there, I don't give a damn to you cause we broke up already. SO what the point?

You told me you feel very comfortable when I'm around, but for me it is an up and down feeling feeling for me as I do not want to worry nor care about you... I'm trying to move on. You care mostly for yourself but rarely care about me.


劉としひろ Ryuu Toshihiro said...

=) sometimes we just have to harden our hearts and get on with life. After all, "keep moving forward" and "time waits for no man" are all too familiar for us already.

But if there is that speckle of longing, that tiny yet still alive will to reconcile, then perhaps there is a chance ^^After all, your friend seems all too willing to get on the right side of you again, after perhaps making you sad or soemthing^^

It's not fair for me to comment, because I wouldn't know the situation. But as a general note, things are always more or less the same.

Good luck in your endeavors.

dian said...

that person no rights to treat u like that... u r not his stuff or wat