Saturday, September 5, 2009

DamN YOU flu~

This is the ever 1st time i'm having such flu during exam period ....
quite fun..
actually i more curious of what colour that H.E. ( HUBUNGAN ENTIK ) will be printed out and i might be quarantine for having such flu XD

Oh well if that happen i wish the whole DMT1 follow along~ XD

Lately my house renovation.... the noises non-stop flowing...drilling... trowing..and even shouting...and barking ( that is my chiwawa doing renovation in his cage )

My love still loyal to you..pingu.. but lately i felt something different in between us.. is like.. the feeling that i suppose to share with you have gone after you said something to me. its hurts me a lot... until now but i hid this feeling from you as i know you won't read my blog nor notice it

every time you were beside me.. i felt secure , happy , glad that you are here with me...
but why at that same time,
i felt cold and thinking when will it happen again?
that the answer i been looking for...
but yet i'm afraid to reveal it as i'm afraid knowing that i will lose you that moment i know that answer.

Flu Flu~ aww first time ever get a wonderful flu~
today i wish wont enter quarantine exam room or i will just sleep there for HE and later on resit for that paper~ XD

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