Friday, July 24, 2009

IT THE 9TH WEEK!.....what am i still doing =="

9th week of sem 1 in college life =D
still.. i'm wondering what did i done..
i enjoy more then i study = ="
that is a real fact..

i pity someone...
for a far-distance relationship really suffering ..
depends on both of them ....
if one decide to end...
bye bye the 'attach status' at facebook XD!

Why am i so random today.......
i been thinking ..and thinking.... and listening song.. rock...and even jazz ...
found in my hardrive =="

VIruS found ~ deleted

Porn found ~ hidden in some folder

Picture found ~ soon to be uploaded in facebook

== what am i crapping today

HEY MY CARD READER SPOILT... kris...can you buy for me =D

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