Saturday, May 3, 2008


  • 1103 Bahasa Melayu
  • 1119 Bahasa Inggeris
  • 1225 Pendidikan Moral
  • 1249 Sejarah
  • 1449 Mathematics
  • 3472 Additional Mathematics
  • 3756 Prinsip Perakaunan
  • 4531 Physics
  • 4541 Chemistry
  • 6355 English For Science and Technology

This are the SUBJECT that im going to take for my SPM... lolz..
there is one idiot and me who not going to take Biology for SPM in my school...ONLY (for science stream student)...

but one thing....the pengetua really accept my reason.....(my father accually fought with the teacher that time so they scare my dad come again...wakakaka) but for that singh.... he kena kau kau from teacher.. wakaka....... but one thing... SPM is WE sit not the teacher... why they got to control ?.... i know that if we drop..teacher will be unhappy...and come worst to worst our school will not teach Biology the end we also suffer when we got our slit...

lolz... dun care them la.....
yesterday i was so of the reason fail crack...!! got to buy a new one ...but dun feel like buying a new fail........cuz i like my fail..!!! .............

Tuna......>.<" why so long no see you !!

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