Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bloggie.... i dun miss you at all - -"(so lame)

... lol exam over already.... but still suffering - -"....
normal for all student who facing govement exam ..
yeah ... if you get low will be torture by parent...
to avoid that.... student trow away thier result...
but not until infront of my house - -".
must be a girl from titiwangsa school...
she got 20 marks- - " and the papers ended just outside my house.....
i wonder if i fail physics...chemistry...add math....(to hell with biology !!!)
i think i better just jump off the 81th floor of klcc...(does klcc have that floor?)
i think i better star study hard now = = or else i fail one by one...
OMG I REMEMBER accounts - -" im so doom now...


Anonymous said...

Take it easy.... u made it sound like u r doing ur degree..... =)

Kin Tatt said...

lol SPM.... but soon i will face degree...