Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Today

It's a boring day for me
Yet a moody day
I feel like crying now
I don't even know what to do next
I failed to express my feelings

Monday, September 7, 2009

~(No Idea)~

Free day?

Renovation interrupted my sweet sleep again.. and I'm freaking hungry rite now.
Too hungry until I don't even know what to do next.
Study?.. lazy la....
Actually I have no intension to score my subjects,
As long I pass the semester, I'm ok with it.
I don't really care much about it,
Cause MY OWN PERSONAL problem.
Sometimes I don't even sleep and waste my time doing nothing online,
Slumber around
And even damaged my lifestyle
Very rare people will notice the change in me
I assume non will notice it XD~

Hey any recommended sleeping pill?
I guess I might need one some day =D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just a dream

When I was sleeping with YOU.
I dream of a month, December
Which was my favorite month of each year.
Not just because of my birthday...
Cause it is a free and easy month for me.

It was raining and cool breeze enter my house free and easy,
Everything was green,
As in my garden,
Plants in my room,
It was a perfect green house,
With various plants,
Green, My favorite color,

And siting on the couch,
It was you,
You were beautiful,
No one can compare what I seen,
Your beauty from inside till it shown,
Clearly against my naked eyes.

You told me something,
That really make me gay,
My mum standing there,
Looking at her son,
Together with you,
The joy that spread out,
Was a great news for my family,

Then I woke up,
And think back,
I was just a dream,
But I realize,
It can be true,
I and you together,
Till the end.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

DamN YOU flu~

This is the ever 1st time i'm having such flu during exam period ....
quite fun..
actually i more curious of what colour that H.E. ( HUBUNGAN ENTIK ) will be printed out and i might be quarantine for having such flu XD

Oh well if that happen i wish the whole DMT1 follow along~ XD

Lately my house renovation.... the noises non-stop flowing...drilling... trowing..and even shouting...and barking ( that is my chiwawa doing renovation in his cage )

My love still loyal to you..pingu.. but lately i felt something different in between us.. is like.. the feeling that i suppose to share with you have gone after you said something to me. its hurts me a lot... until now but i hid this feeling from you as i know you won't read my blog nor notice it

every time you were beside me.. i felt secure , happy , glad that you are here with me...
but why at that same time,
i felt cold and thinking when will it happen again?
that the answer i been looking for...
but yet i'm afraid to reveal it as i'm afraid knowing that i will lose you that moment i know that answer.

Flu Flu~ aww first time ever get a wonderful flu~
today i wish wont enter quarantine exam room or i will just sleep there for HE and later on resit for that paper~ XD