Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bloggie.... i dun miss you at all - -"(so lame)

... lol exam over already.... but still suffering - -"....
normal for all student who facing govement exam ..
yeah ... if you get low will be torture by parent...
to avoid that.... student trow away thier result...
but not until infront of my house - -".
must be a girl from titiwangsa school...
she got 20 marks- - " and the papers ended just outside my house.....
i wonder if i fail physics...chemistry...add math....(to hell with biology !!!)
i think i better just jump off the 81th floor of klcc...(does klcc have that floor?)
i think i better star study hard now = = or else i fail one by one...
OMG I REMEMBER accounts - -" im so doom now...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Exam - -" ........(Bio Time)

Biology- FAIL .. WAKAKA that is what in my mind always for today...
skipped Biology and go lurk around the school........
eventually ended up in class doing add-math revision and got to be quite....
until a certain period.... i went out!......with someone .......
SO boring...... actually to play in school ..

Thursday, May 15, 2008

TUNA I want picture T-T

Today toke a lot of picture ..... of a book.....and dictionary but all in tuna cam. .- -  and unfortunate her com also got problem...ZZZ

today i stay back and help for the teacher's day tomorrow --"... i was playing i guess...wakakka...

TUNA i wan picture le......

now me want go sleep... nothing to type wakaka

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exam Exam Exam.....

3 weeks of eat a lot of time......
what i will do .......

1. sleep

2. still sleeping...

3. flip the book..

4. do nothing...

i dun really want to get A's for my whatever school exam..... cuz no reason ...... and i dun even like to study now days... i dun know why..

the exam hour... haizz for add math .. it is enough...but for is way too long... agree?... mostly people will sleep or do whatever things ....while waiting for the exam time over... ZZZZZZZ

but for me.. i will sleep... - -"..


tuna do i need to update my blog everyday ZZZ?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yah yah... - -

yeah yeah.... i will study damn hard..but dun know can get 10A1 or not :P
TUNA u should think of it ma.....
cuz you are going to product the babies !! wakakka

Ops.......i 100% fail biology for mid-term !!!

wakaka..... dun care about biology.......until dun want to go to school also to sit for the biology papers !!!!
yeah i dint take bio for spm...
but then got exam for the mid-term :P
hmm so i wonder who to give the biology reference book to..
still fresh and new.....and clean ..lolx...

see still new... want? i can sell you 1/4 of the price ..
and maybe free to my close friends WAKAKA!

Never even bother to open this book... you want?

Yeah tuna.......during the 4 days school-off go watch a movie??

what wrong with me?

why i cant still sleep?
haizzz feel like one kind in me....
always feel like this...
can anyone help me?

Monday, May 12, 2008



Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's day or Wesak day for me?

yeah ... everybody should know today is MOM's DAY..but i did celebrate Wesak day .....too..

(who ever went to Bukit Jalil should know what's going on there)...

another thing is... i dint sleep well that night... basicly the whole 24 hours of 11 MAY i was awake....

12am to 2am.... packing my stuff

2am to 2.30am .... ready gift for my mum.....

2.45am to 4.30am... watch Slit-Mouthed Woman...(i love her smile..)

5am...... awaken by my my mum with joy.........

5.30am .......... mum bang the door to wake my bro up..

till then i never rest in piece.... ...cuz at 8 got to go out...

6am roll alround on the TV's hall carpet...(where i wanted to sleep there)

6.30am mum again bang the door...(to wake my dead bro up...for nearly 15 min...the whole neighbour hood woke up i guess)

7am... get up from the sofa and bath...

8am ...leave the house then ride a ready service bus...

9am... leave taman seri gombak

9.45am reach bukit jalil...

10am... the buss...

10am to pm........ walk around organic...recycle :P


1 pm sit bus back...

by 2pm reach home.. .and went maduras....lolz.... and eat mapadam.....(i soon will bleed nose back).....

by 3pm got to study sejarah.....

then by 4pm gave up and watch tv...till 7pm... basicly i am mr.blank that time..... under the fan..

then then.... i go jusco eat nando chicken with parent wakkaka.... my dad bought one huge box of chocolate...(dun ask me anything)

and one big set of lipstick for my mum lA!!! ...

REAL FLOWER.. i never buy before to anyone in my life!!



Thursday, May 8, 2008

non stop craping...

yeah this is exspecially you tuna...who love to crap from 1 to z wakakka (number and word)
when you in the class.....the noise level is like a Petaling Street coming here... lolz... (what im crapping now) ....
Today PHYSICS...omg.... was confusing.. but luckily i did answer all and hope i dint flunk it T_T...tomorrow will be physics paper 3 and ADD MATH PAPER 2 ! THAT THE KILLING PART..try to imagine some papers with question carrying 6 to 8 marks each and you dont know how to do... feel one kind rite? haizz better i study now...tata

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

...well it is moral....

TODAY i woke up at 7.15 and reach school around 7.35...
which was 15 late to school....
and that is my first time ever i went to school
that late - -".........
for sure i will fail my moral papers....cuz... basically ... i was sleeping there after 30 minutes of writing....

"it was very easy to fail. just sleep during the paper, wake up 15 minutes before the paper ends and answer all you can.. and voila! you fail."

yeah... it is true.... im going to fail again.........
but after our MORAL recess....i wanted to cabut but i stay in the library and din't study physics that well because we went up and down the whole block...and that nantha is killing us... if he want drop biology DUN F***ING HELL SAY MY NAME.. damn piss off......

yeah... when i in the library i did shout also...again and again.....soon someone will be fired off their post... really piss off adi...some more librian make the most sound....and i also did my duty.... untill 4...

well all left me...again - -"and dun know why i feel one kind when i walk home....strange johnny ..lolz.....and study physics... but eventually when im blogging...and studying i helped something till i forgot what im suppose to do...never mind i end here now... bai....


my coins tower collapse cuz of the bass of dota by basehunter

FISH LEONG!!! love her music so much

dun think anything else .... it just my leg so itchy


Today Im going to sit for Moral Paper..
Best of luck... and dun be naughty!! it moral!

Monday, May 5, 2008


my room!!

yeah yeah.....
quite tidy rite my room wkaakka
love my clean tidy room wakaka..
i always be in my room... never go out...
but if i go out... i be missing for that whole day wakaka..
but if i go out also i will go out alone.. and no one will knows where am i
unless u spotted me some where wakkaka...

thank to henry i got this cute doll accompany me when i feel lonely
beside my room full of papers..... and soft doll...
yeah guys shouldent have any soft toys?
but im a kid not a guy YET!..

lolz... tuna did u delete?

dear bff :)
dear best friend(s),i don't know how to say this to you, but as you know.. i'm not that type of girl. yes i laugh with you, kick your mosquito legs, laugh at the dirty jokes you tell me and of course, we used vulgar words when we don't actually mean it. but the truth is, i have no idea how to tell you what's going on with me. i appreciate every time you tell me about that girl/guy you like, the friends you hang with, the life's and death in the chronological order. the sad truth, i don't even know how to express mine. i may sound like i don't want to tell you anything. i do, i do. i do want to tell you. but i don't know how. even to tell you about the guy i like takes years to leave this very lips. heck, most of you knew it after it was over. some of you still don't know. sad.. i sorry i didnt have the balls to tell you guys this because hell, i don't have balls damn it! but hey, as long i told you guys without laughing and giggling like an idiot. :) so cheerio.i love you all :) muah.

Tuna Blog

Sunday, May 4, 2008

exam tomorrow!!

yeah... read that title....
my mid year examination starting with Bahasa Melayu Paper 2.....
and i dint even study for my Komsas yet... wow..
then for Pendidikan Moral... OmG sure im going to be screwed...
and for need to tell......


say borrow for a day but haizz...
Some more my fail crack ..... even more...
guess got to buy a new one ..wuu wuu.... damn heart broken...

because my beloved fail....

ANNE!!! HOW YOU I ***** i was shock.....
someone accually saw me ****ing... lolz.. but i dint realise it...
argh dun care....but strange... who he know the brand also ...
must be someone big mouth among my friends...
.......or someone really saw me ***** ...




ever take picture of anything or anyone around you?
or yourself?...
basically i will take any picture i want ..... even stuff that consist of rubbish..
unfortunately... i don't have a perfect camera....sad...
wakakka tuna the rings picture sure one of my best picture i ever take... one more is the sky but i dun know where i located wakakka....
....and this picture is... when i play fire that time...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Down - JJ Lin

Lin Jun Jie
I can't believe it
Tell me I'm dreaming
That we are still we
It was amazing
Said you were lucky
That you found me
It was on a rainy day that we met
You didn't have a place to go
I said we just met so lets go slow but no
You just told me to keep you from the cold
Sorry I can't take it
Why did you fake it
Why did we kiss

And I'm just down
You let me with a note without a sound
I figure I must have been such a child
You'll never know how much I've been around
How my heart just frowns
If you're down
I'll be your teddy bear
I'll be your clown
I'll take you round and round
And if you don't mind
I could be your standing ground
Even if that means I’d drown*

I said we just met so lets go slow but no
You just told me to keep you from the cold
Sorry I can't take it
Why did you fake it
Why did we kiss

And I'm just down
You let me with a note without a sound
I figure I must have been such a child
You'll never know how much I've been around
How my heart just frowns
If you're down
I'll be your teddy bear
I'll be your clown
I'll take you round and round
And if you don't mind
I could be your standing ground
Even if that means I’d drown*

and baby, that will my
one last bow


Hear it before? lolz...
i love using that downloading songs....and NOT PORNS..
well basically i will download the song that i want to songs from 4 years ago...
easier for me to hunt it down..

Best things about limewire...
sometimes can download song..
and sometimes wrong song...but also nice....(like now i got a nice tamil song ¬.¬"
hmm.... sometimes accidentally download porn...ACCIDENTALLY!!!


  • 1103 Bahasa Melayu
  • 1119 Bahasa Inggeris
  • 1225 Pendidikan Moral
  • 1249 Sejarah
  • 1449 Mathematics
  • 3472 Additional Mathematics
  • 3756 Prinsip Perakaunan
  • 4531 Physics
  • 4541 Chemistry
  • 6355 English For Science and Technology

This are the SUBJECT that im going to take for my SPM... lolz..
there is one idiot and me who not going to take Biology for SPM in my school...ONLY (for science stream student)...

but one thing....the pengetua really accept my reason.....(my father accually fought with the teacher that time so they scare my dad come again...wakakaka) but for that singh.... he kena kau kau from teacher.. wakaka....... but one thing... SPM is WE sit not the teacher... why they got to control ?.... i know that if we drop..teacher will be unhappy...and come worst to worst our school will not teach Biology the end we also suffer when we got our slit...

lolz... dun care them la.....
yesterday i was so of the reason fail crack...!! got to buy a new one ...but dun feel like buying a new fail........cuz i like my fail..!!! .............

Tuna......>.<" why so long no see you !!