Friday, July 24, 2009

IT THE 9TH WEEK!.....what am i still doing =="

9th week of sem 1 in college life =D
still.. i'm wondering what did i done..
i enjoy more then i study = ="
that is a real fact..

i pity someone...
for a far-distance relationship really suffering ..
depends on both of them ....
if one decide to end...
bye bye the 'attach status' at facebook XD!

Why am i so random today.......
i been thinking ..and thinking.... and listening song.. rock...and even jazz ...
found in my hardrive =="

VIruS found ~ deleted

Porn found ~ hidden in some folder

Picture found ~ soon to be uploaded in facebook

== what am i crapping today

HEY MY CARD READER SPOILT... kris...can you buy for me =D

Thursday, July 9, 2009

As time past by = ="

Yeah if you were wondering another emotional post...i might think it is 50-50 true =D
years passed by damn fast, as i learnt quite some stuff...

but why i just cant get any better then the past of me? college life quite fun, and also fustrated as more and more assignments are coming in...........yes...i may did the most in my group...but only 2 of us..and i know that my partner will face trouble if he does i take the risk of doing his part... so that it would be easier for him...i'm still kind ==" but i can be evil as i want... if i really wan...
beside, being a treasurer is also 30% survive ==" as no one will listen to me.... cause if i open my mouth..they know what i want...

im the youngest in the class...=D...err but i am not being called as a kid =X.... pity that someone among my course mate being called as kid...well he is quite cute too and have a funny character...(ps...i not gay)

Pingu... i still love you XD...after all i did still forgive me...and i dint even manage to improve myself well...haiz...i just wish i can be the perfect one for you..............

hey kirs........i miss you XD